About Naperville Scuba Club

The club is currently managed by Helen Feeney, Jay Virzi, and John Wright. Helen is a PADI Divemaster and certified travel agent, Jay is a PADI Divemaster, and John is a PADI Master Scuba Diver, serving as club “IT Guy”/CIO. You can reach the club by emailing info@napervillescubaclub.org
Additionally, Below H2O allows the group to use the instruction room in the shop for monthly meetings. Thanks to Dave and the Below H2O staff for providing a meeting place!

Originally named the Bottom Breathers Dive Club, the club is an open social organization founded in December 2008. Over the years, the club has organized dive trips to the Philippines, Cozumel, Socorro, Honduras, Maldives, Turks & Caicos, among others, and many other international sites, along with trips to many of our local dive spots.
Member Benefits
Members get a chance to talk about all things diving with other members. Additionally, the group organizes diving events both in Chicagoland and other sites.
In the summertime, the group hosts a BBQ at a local dive site on a weekend to give divers some time to visit and dive together locally. In addition to BBQs, pizza parties and our annual dive club party, most years members also receive a club t-shirt, tumbler, or other club item. This is all supported by our annual dues payment of $30 per person.
The group meets on the first Friday of each month where we discuss upcoming events/trips as well as share tips, stories, and help answer one another’s questions about diving. The group is always open to new members and no reservation is required, so either email us at info@napervillescubaclub.org or stop by the next meeting.